Saturday, May 18, 2013

Yaa Thoybah!

Assalamu'alaikum and hi dearies!!!

Please note that In Shaa Allah I'll be off to Saudi Arabia for Umrah starting from tomorrow until the end of the month. Hence, I will not be able to respond to you at the time being. Do not hesitate to leave your comments and links or simply give me a shoutout via my Hollabox, ok? Ma'assalamah~ P.s. Just follow me and lemme know! I'll be very happy to follow you once I'm back. No worries...

I really love this famous Arabic song! It has few versions but I like this version the most! The lyrics are very deep and touching that I feel like wanna cry... Anyway, hope you'll like the song as much as I do ;)

Monday, May 13, 2013

Visa Umrah'13

[Note: This entry is made exclusively for Malaysian Muslims who plan to perform Umrah (a pilgrimage to Makkah, Saudi Arabia) starting from 18 May 2013 onwards. To all my non-Malaysian as well as non-Muslim readers, my apology for the language barrier]

masjidil haram makkah
SubhanAllah. A truly amazing night view of the holy city, Makkah al-Mukarramah
I don't own a copyright of this picture. Credit to

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalamu'alaikum semua ;)

"Sempurnakanlah ibadat Haji dan Umrah kerana ALLAH..."
(Surah al-Ba
qarah: 196)

Daripada Jabir bin Abdullah r.a. Nabi ber
"Orang yang menunaikan Haji atau Umrah adalah
undangan ALLAH. ALLAH menyeru mereka lalu mereka
menyahut seruan itu. Mereka meminta daripada ALLAH
lalu ALLAH memberikan kepada mereka".

(Riwayat al-B

Selalu juga dengar orang kata semakin lama semakin leceh urusan untuk apply visa ke Arab Saudi ni. Betul ke? Hmm bila dah jadi kat diri sendiri barula nak beringatkan..? Huhu. Info terbaru yang diterima daripada travel agent kami (Andalusia Travel & Tours), Saudi Embassy sekarang mula kenakan new procedures pula untuk permohonan visa bagi trip Umrah bermula 18 Mei 2013 ke atas. Actually jadual asal penerbangan kami sekeluarga adalah pada 17 Mei 2013 (seriously dah bersorak kegembiraan dalam hati time tu sebab terlepas daripada procedures baru tu!). However, kami terpaksa menangguhkan penerbangan kepada 19 Mei 2013 (cuma lewat 2 hari je pun) atas sebab-sebab yang tak dapat dielakkan. Apalagi, akhirnya terpaksa jugala akur with the new procedures. Berkemungkinan besar prosedur yang sama juga akan dilaksanakan ke atas jemaah Haji. Honestly saya tak pasti sampai bila procedures sebegini akan bertahan... HEHE.

The new procedures telah menetapkan keperluan pengesahan untuk certain documents yang perlu diserahkan oleh jemaah wanita (jemaah lelaki tak leceh sangat sebab tak perlu ditemani mahram untuk travel). *All documents required hendakla diserahkan kepada travel agent dalam masa 30 hari dari tarikh penerbangan bagi tujuan permohonan visa dan sebagainya* Macam saya In Shaa Allah akan pergi bersama suami, ibu mertua dan adik ipar perempuan untuk menunaikan Umrah kali ni (pakej berempat sebilik). So among documents yang wajib disertakan (focus yang memerlukan pengesahan only!) adalah surat akuan nikah (untuk buktikan perkahwinan sah), sijil lahir kedua-dua hubby and his sister (untuk buktikan diorang adik-beradik kandung) dan sijil lahir hubby (untuk buktikan dia adalah anak kandung to my mom-in-law). These documents MESTI dapat cop pengesahan daripada pihak-pihak berikut or else permohonan visa tidak akan diluluskan... huh. Oh ya, jangan lupa bawa sekali ORIGINAL ones as supporting documents masa nak dapatkan cop pengesahan nanti ok! ;) *NOTE: Mungkin ada other documents yang memerlukan pengesahan dan ini semuanya bergantung kepada situasi dengan siapa jemaah wanita tu nak travel (travel agent selalu akan beritahu, don't worry)* XD

          1) Dapatkan cop from Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara (JPN) kat mana-mana cawangannya
              *No worries, bebeh!* 
          2) Then dapatkan pula cop from Wisma Putra dekat Presint 2, Putrajaya. Aite, settled :)

         1) Dapatkan cop from Jabatan Agama Islam di mana korang daftarkan pernikahan. Macam 
             saya daftar di Selangor, so kena minta pengesahan dekat Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor 
         2) Lepas tu kena dapatkan cop from Wisma Putra juga :p

Sebelum ni Wisma Putra kenakan caj RM20 for each document yang disahkan. Tapi bermula 22 April 2013 baru-baru ni, dah jadi FOC pula! Eh?? Memangla it was a good news for those yang dapatkan pengesahan lewat. Tapi agak rugila bagi kami yang terlebih 'semangat' awal-awal lagi pergi dapatkan pengesahan ni. Apa lagi saya yang bersusah-payah dapatkan pengesahan pada 19 April (awal 3 hari je.. kuikuikui). Budget good good punya pasal. Padanla muka..! Hihihii.

"Suatu Umrah kepada Umrah yang lain adalah
(menghapuskan segala dosa) di antara
keduanya dan Haji yang mabrur (diterima)
itu tiada balasan baginya selain syurga".
(Riwayat Bukhari)

masjid nabawi madinah
Masjid Nabawi in Madinah al-Munawwarah. SPECTACULAR. Can't wait to meet the Prophet PBUH!
I don't own a copyright of this picture. Credit to

So bagi yang dah berkemampuan dari semua aspek, jangan tangguh-tangguh pergi ok. Pergila seawal mungkin ke Tanah Suci sebab semakin lama semakin leceh urusannya. Masjidil Haram as well as Masjid Nabawipun khabarnya mengalami terlalu banyak perubahan di sana-sini. Telaga Zamzam langsung tak nampak lagi (seingat saya masa pergi masa kecil dalam tahun 1996 dulu masih boleh nampak lagi waktu tu... huhuhu). Anyway, hope this info helps. Doakan kami sekeluarga beroleh Umrah yang maqbullah :)

Daripada Saidina Ali r.a. Rasulullah SAW bersabda:
"Sesiapa yang memiliki perbelanjaan yang melebihi dari
keperluannya dan mencukupi untuk perbelanjaan menunaikan
ibadah Haji serta mempunyai kenderaan yang boleh membawanya
ke Baitullah dan tidak mengerjakan Haji, maka tidak ada apa yang
menghalangnya dari mati sebagai seorang Yahudi atau Nasrani".
(Riwayat al-Hakim)

Friday, May 10, 2013


Assalamu'alaikum, hi there~
Just would like to share some of the pictures taken during the recent PRU13 :)

the expatriate's wife
At my parents' house... ready to vote! Hehe. Love the morning weather so much XO

the expatriate's wife
SubhanAllah. Splendid...

the expatriate's wife
N40 Kota Anggerik 
It was a long queue though we arrived at the place quite early in the morning...
(ABOVE: The political flags war between Barisan Nasional and the opposition)

the expatriate's wife
The so-called permanent ink. Anyway, still queuing... almost almost :p

the expatriate's wife
My younger sis and I... We finished voting at about 9:50AM. YAY

the expatriate's wife
The remaining ink at about 7PM. Not bad, huh? Huhuu

Whatever it is, CONGRATULATIONS to the
newly re-elected government ;)
May Allah bless my country.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Countdown PRU13

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalamu'alaikum and good day olls.

Our ELECTION DAY is coming in less than 24 hours, korang! Bahang semakin terasa. Pelik kenapala over nervous kali ni mengalahkan calon nak bertanding pula rasanya..? Hehe. Excited pun ye sebab berpeluang mengundi bersama-sama family tahun ni. Mana taknya every five years katakan. Therefore, peluang yang ada mestila dimanfaatkan sebaik mungkin. *Well too bad my Mr. nampaknya tak berpeluang mengundi this time atas sebab-sebab yang sememangnya tak dapat dielakkan. Adat bekerja di perantauan in the middle of a desert pula tu... Tak dapekla den nak nolong!*

Saya bukan individu yang minat bidang politik tapi saya sedar akan kewajiban untuk memilih pemimpin di kalangan kita. Ye la sudahla tak mahu jadi pemimpin, bila jadi rakyat biasa yang layak dan disuruh keluar mengundipun malas juga? Apakah?! AHAH. Honestly untuk membuat perhitungan dalam memilih pemimpin yang terbaik buat agama dan tanah air tercinta ni bukanla satu perkara mudah bagi orang seperti saya yang selama ni tak berapa nak care.. huh. Lebih-lebih lagi dengan situasi 'perang' siber yang sangat kritikal nowadays. Semakin confuse dibuatnya since terlalu banyak maklumat diperolehi yang saya sendiripun tak pasti kesahihannya. Nak pilih "Sayangi Selangor" ke atau "Selangorku"? "Ini Kalilah" atau "Lain Kalilah"?? Everything seems so convincing. Memandangkan hatipun dah semakin tetap, so saya ambil keputusan tak mahu tengok or dengar apa-apa lagi selepas ni bagi mengelakkan sebarang pertukaran di saat-saat akhir. Cukup-cukupla buat saya. Daripada sibuk dengar apa kata manusia, lebih baik minta terus 'pendapat' Allah SWT yang Maha Mengetahui melalui solat hajat dan istikharah. Senang cerita yang mana hati lebih berat, yang tu akan saya pangkah nanti. Anyway, semoga kita semua diberikan petunjuk dan bimbingan daripadaNya dalam membuat pilihan yang tepat esok. In Shaa Allah. Semoga segala urusan berkaitan PRU13 ni akan berjalan dengan lancar dan selamat. Jangan lupa bawa kad pengenalan. *Urusan juga akan menjadi lebih mudah jika korang semak terlebih dulu nombor "Saluran" dan "Siri" masing-masing melalui laman web rasmi SPR* Well it's going to be a long day tomorrow bersama jari yang bakal tercalit that so-called dakwat kekal... Love Malaysia. Allah bless :)

the expatriate's wife
Going back to my hometown this evening... weee. HAPPY VOTING.
Sesiapa yang tak mengundi jangan over, please! Heheh

election day malaysia pru13
I don't own a copyright for this picture. Credit to

the expatriate's wife
Today's lunch: Masak lemak lada hitam labu with enoki + ayam goreng berempah + sambal belacan. Masak ciput untuk portion sorang... huhu. Nak mengada hashtag sini bole? #food#foodgasm#foodporn#nofilter :P *Bukan main lagi eh revolusi perkataan nowadays?! LOL* Some may not like pumpkin but it's my favorite. Anyway, labu juga adalah antara buah kegemaran baginda al-habeeb Muhammad SAW ;)

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

benefit Cosmetics

Assalamu'alaikum. HAPPY LABOUR DAY~

A great day to start for everyone, I hope! Well today I'm going to do some reviews on cosmetic products by benefit SAN FRANCISCO as well as my daily make-up style. Have you ladies ever heard or used benefit products before? Well I've heard of the brand name earlier but never bought their products so far until they were introduced by my eldest sis recently. Honestly it was a love at first sight... hehehe. Most of their products are of high quality, practical and come in really pretty packaging. I was very attracted to their signature, POREfessional as well as their latest brightening face primer, "that gal". FYI, I always love a simple and natural look. I seldom wear eye make-up and don't prefer the heavy make-up styles since they will only make things complicated (as well as time-consuming!) for me to perform my prayers and I would also need to put on a new one after each ablution! Huhuh. Alhamdulillah, even though my skin is not so perfect but still, a simple make-up is sufficient to cover the imperfections :)

My previous make-up routine (for work or outing) involved 3 simple steps; the all-in-one BB Cream, a face powder and a lip gloss. A blusher is just an option. However, looks like the make-up steps have now increased with the addition of POREfessional and the face primer! *Tehee* But still, those steps are considered as quick and easy! And there are also times when I only wear the face primer and my BB Cream alone. Anyway, I'm not a professional make-up artist or a celebrity who suffers from appearance-conscious.. AHAHHA. I just want to share on the products that I wear currently, that's all... *Please note that I'm using iPhone this time and all pictures were NOT edited. My apology if the results are not as good as DSLR's*

the expatriate's wife

the expatriate's wife
L-R: My 1-2-3 quick steps for make-up base

Step #1: Apply POREfessional first before you apply the rest. It actually comes in a bigger size and sold individually @ MYR115. As a first time user, I decided to buy benefit's travel kit that comes in a complete set (with easy steps to follow!) as a trial for my sensitive skin.
the expatriate's wife
POREfessional helps to minimize the appearance of pores. Looks like
foundation but its color is actually TRANSPARENT and it's OIL-FREE

the expatriate's wife
Lovely "Honey" travel kit (or trial set) by benefit @ MYR120

Step #2: Apply the brightening face primer, "that gal". I like it so much! It has a very nice-sweet smell and of course it's OIL-FREE too. It is sold separately (in 11ml). The face primer helps to brighten your complexion and to smooth your make-up application. You can even wear it alone. Anyway, the SILKY PINK color is its special feature. Go, gal!!!

the expatriate's wife
"that gal" by benefit @ MYR115

the expatriate's wife
The pink pretty primer

Step #3: Apply the foundation! Since I bought their trial set, hence, the foundation quantity is very limited for daily wear. Therefore, I usually replace it with less 'spensive and affordable brand like SILKYGIRL :))

the expatriate's wife
SILKYGIRL Magic BB Cream @ MYR17.90

Aite, just to complete the final look.....

Step #4: Apply face powder (I use MAYBELLINE CLEAR SMOOTH 03 NATURAL)
Step #5: Lip gloss or lipstick

the expatriate's wife
Lancôme ROUGE IN LOVE (337M)

Step #6 (OPTIONAL): Blusher
Sometimes I'd wear blusher before I put on the face powder in order to obtain my favorite
'pinkish from the inside' complexion ^^

the expatriate's wife
L'Oréal TRUE MATCH le blush (04 Rosewood)


the expatriate's wife
Finally found the right cosmetic products that blend
really well with my skin. benefit's. YAY ;)

the expatriate's wife
"Being yourself is easier than being someone else"

the expatriate's wife
benefit cosmetics oh! so awesome

Last but not least, don't forget to use a gentle make-up remover and wash your face thoroughly
in order to maintain a healthy skin, ok! Take care and happy outing :D

the expatriate's wife
SILKYGIRL Hydra Clean Makeup Remover
MYR12.88 (after less)

P.s. benefit products can be found at almost all popular malls in Malaysia (I guessed!).
I bought mine at One Utama & Sunway Pyramid ;))